Gift Marketing With Autoresponders And Google Adsense

By Diana Barnum

Many people promote their gifts online by using autresponders and Google Adsense. Lets take a brief look at both.

An autoresponders function is to send out responses automatically by email to people who have visited your site and either completed a form (also known as a leads capture form, generated by your autorespnder) or emailed you, triggering your autoresponder. The automated responses can then contain newsletters, ebooks, reports and other types of information regarding your business.

It is important to think of autoresponders as sales tools. Then as you increase your use of them, you increase your sales and marketing efforts and chances for business success.

Google Adsense is a program for advertising that is governed by Google. It is really quite simple. You insert Adsense ads in your website or blog content. Then every time that someone clicks on your ads, you will receive small amounts of money that can add up to nice extra checks in the mail.

When you combine Google Adsense with an autoresponder, you are giving yourself the edge over your competitors, giving you the success that you wish to achieve. Your autoresponder messages can host introductory paragraphs with links that take your readers to your website pages where you have Adsense ads on the pages with your gift items.


For example, an autoresponder message might read:

Dear [subscriber],

Welcome back to the Gift Gallery Weekly Ezine! Enjoy our new article this week entitled,

“Hot Summer B2B Gift Items!”

For great gifts to give your coworkers, boss or friends and family, visit our reviews of the top 10 Hot Gifts This Summer by visiting: http://YourDomain(dot)com (and have this link go to a page on your site where you have reviews of the gifts plus Adsense inserted on the web page.)

[Closing message and signature with contact info]


For help writing your ads and learning more about how to best set up your Adsense campaigns, search articles on Adsense tips to learn more and keep up with any changes in Google marketing. For help with autoresponders how to set them up and use them for your projects, simply search autoresponder tips in your favorite search engines and find articles on the topic.

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