Brain Wave Music To Relax The Mind

Submitted by: Bob Matthews

Brain wave music

can be a life-saver for those times in our lives when our stress and anxiety levels get out of control. In fact, relaxation techniques (including

brain wave music

) can not only save your life but also dramatically improve the comfort and quality of your life when used regularly on a long-term basis.

Doctors have been telling us for years now that chronic stress is negatively impacting our health – in fact, it’s killing us. I m not talking about the short-burst, situational type of stress that our bodies adopt when in danger. This readiness state that our ancestors’ bodies went into during an encounter with a saber-tooth tiger or the state that we go into today when narrowly avoiding a traffic accident, getting yelled at by the boss, or arguing with our spouse is designed to save our lives.

I m talking about the long-term chronic type of stress that comes from living a complex life in a complex society. Living in modern society has a great number of advantages and it offers us an even greater number of opportunities. But it also saddles us with a great number of worries. And those worries cause stress – chronic stress. And, as doctors tell us chronic stress is not saving our lives – it is slowly killing us.


Stress upsets nearly every system in our bodies. Among other things, stress can cause anxiety, accelerated aging, an increase in the risk of heart attack risk and/or stroke, a compromising of our immune system and digestive problems. And this is only a partial list.

And, on top of that it just makes us feel bad. It ruins our mood. We become anxious, nervous, cranky, grumpy, short-tempered, impatient and, worst of all; stress seems to sap us of all of our energy. We feel tired all of the time – even after a good rest. We feel well stressed. That describes it all. We all know what feeling stressed means because stress is so pervasive in our society.

So how do we attack stress? Simple. The same way it attacks us.

As I said earlier, single-event stress is not what is killing us. It is the chronic type of stress that is the product of worry and other mental pressures that is attacking our minds and bodies. It is the type of stress that remains with us constantly daily, weekly, monthly year-after-year.

And that is precisely the same model we use to combat stress. Single-event stress reduction has little effect on our health. It is only the regular daily practice of stress-reduction that gives us noticeable results. Call it chronic stress reduction if you wish.

One such technique is brain wave music.

Brain wave music

combines soothing music or nature sounds with binaural beats technology. The pleasant music helps to calm us down, but the real power is in the binaural beats technology.

The binaural beats tracks sync up with our brain waves. Then, during the course of the audio program; the binaural beats gradually shift to the alpha, theta or even delta frequency ranges (depending upon the audio session selected). These are frequency ranges in which our minds are relaxed, meditative or even asleep. As the binaural beat frequency shifts, our brain follows via a process called entrainment and we become calm, relaxed and centered. Relax the brain and the body will follow.

When used daily, we not only spend more time in calmer mental states during the binaural beats sessions but we also train our brains to enter these healthy mind states more easily.

About the Author: Binaural music can be very helpful to you in helping to calm your mind and body. For more info on binaural music, CLICK HERE–>

Binaural Music

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