Ovarian Cyst Symptoms: Timely Diagnosis Is Crucial To Your Health

By Mary Parker

Because ovarian cysts hardly produce any detectable symptoms, it is difficult to lay down a list of what ovarian cyst symptoms are. In most cases, such symptoms come to light when the woman concerned is going through a routine physical examination or sometimes by chance on ultrasound, which might have been performed for totally different reasons. In any event, let us take you through some of these symptoms.

Prominent symptoms

Prominent ovarian cyst symptoms include abdominal pain or pain in the lower pelvis which might be sharp and sudden and also very severe; irregular periods; a feeling of fullness or pressure in the pelvic or lower abdominal regions; long-term pain on the pelvic girdle which extends to the lower back during menstrual periods; pain in the pelvic region after sexual intercourse or strenuous exercise; pain or a feeling of pressure at the time of bowel movements or urination; nausea and vomiting; vaginal blood spotting or pain in the vagina; tenderness of the breasts and gaining of weight.

However, it must be noted that the ovarian cyst symptoms which we have quoted above are all quite generic and may be caused by conditions totally unconnected with ovarian cysts such as endometriosis, ectopic pregnancy or inflammatory disease of the pelvis or some other illnesses. So what you need to do is visit your doctor if you have any of the above mentioned symptoms to obtain an accurate diagnosis as to the presence of ovarian cysts.


Serious cases

In cases of a more serious nature, where ovarian cysts turn hazardous to the patient’s health, symptoms of their presence in the body is exhibited by dizziness or light-headedness, severe abdominal pains, fatigue, fever, rapid breathing and/or shortness of breath and other symptoms also. If you happen to be facing any of the problems mentioned above, consult a doctor immediately. With medical sciences having reached such glorious heights, medication is bound to be available for curing all manners of ovarian cysts.

There are a large number of treatments available nowadays for the curing of ovarian cysts, but most women prefer to rely on home based remedies which includes a number of steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Motrin (ibuprofen) and other medicines which tackle narcotic pain. It might help if the patient restricts all strenuous activities as that would reduce torsion or cyst rupture. But it is a recognized truth that the best way of treating ovarian cysts in an effective manner is through the Holistic Approach. The monitoring of the cysts is carried out through what is called endovaginal ultrasound or ultrasonic observation.


A very large ovarian cyst is likely to cause abdominal discomfort, and if a cyst which is sizeable presses against your bladder, you are likely to urinate quite often as the capacity of your bladder will get reduced. Some women develop cysts which are of an uncommon nature and do not produce any symptoms. But their doctors will find out about these cysts while carrying out a pelvic examination. Ovarian cysts which form after a woman reaches menopause could be cancerous, so it is very important to take medical checks on your pelvic region regularly. You can now understand why it would be wholly incorrect for you to ignore any of the symptoms that have been mentioned here.

A word of caution

It would of course be unwise to depend only on the symptoms to come to the conclusion that you are suffering from ovarian cysts because you might not exhibit any symptoms at all. Even if you do show symptoms, there is a likelihood of these symptoms being the same as those exhibited by other illnesses such as the pelvic disease relating to inflammation, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, or ectopic pregnancy. Also, diseases such as appendicitis and Diverticulitis can produce symptoms which mimic the symptoms of ovarian cysts which have ruptured. But despite these uncertainties, it is imperative to keep a careful watch on symptoms or changes in the body to ensure that nothing serious is taking place. If indeed you are suffering from the problem of ovarian cysts, the symptoms we have enumerated in the two paragraphs at the beginning will help you in diagnosing this disease. Symptoms which call for immediate medical attention include those relating to pain followed with vomiting or feeling feverish and also shooting and severe pain in the abdominal or pelvic regions.

Holistic approach

The holistic approach is being preferred nowadays in dealing with all forms of diseases and this also holds true for ovarian cysts. Holism as a ‘Health Concept’ has been in existence for many years. But it is only recently that the holistic approach has begun to be integrated with the mainstream system of health care. This approach will not only help counter the problem of ovarian cysts completely, but will also provide a patient with physical and mental peace. The holistic approach should not be misunderstood to mean that it is a form of treatment. What it is is an approach which explains the way treatment should be applied. This means that if a sufferer gets to detect the symptoms of ovarian cysts soon enough, the holistic approach can work wonders.

‘A Healthy Mind In A Healthy Body’ is the principle on which the holistic approach works. This approach can help prevent ovarian cysts from even appearing and, if they do, it can cure this condition. The primary step of the holistic approach is to deal with the diet. It believes that a balanced and wholesome diet is essentially what will give a person a sound physique and build her resistance. The diet which it considers as balanced includes fruits, minerals, leafy vegetables and proteins. What have to be avoided strictly are fatty substances as well as excessive amounts taken of carbohydrates. If the body and also its surroundings are maintained in a proper state of cleanliness, ovarian cysts will cease to be a cause of worry and ovarian cyst symptoms will not prove troublesome anymore.

About the Author: Mary Parker is an author of the best-selling e-book, “Ovarian Cysts No More- The Secrets Of Curing Ovarian Cysts Holistically “. To Learn More About Her Unique 3-Step Holistic Ovarian Cysts Cure System Visit:

Ovarian Cysts No More

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Ovarian Cysts Symptoms



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